Saturday, May 18, 2024
Saturday, May 18, 2024

Health-Conscious Parents Are Extra Picky About What They Feed Their Kids. We Discovered How They Do It.

smart parents healthy children

Decide if a high-quality children’s multivitamin is right for your little one with these tips.

You’ve heard friends and family talking about giving their children a multivitamin to supplement their nutrition and now you’re wondering, “Does my child need a multivitamin?”

The CDC says our children need to eat healthier, but every child is different. Plus you may be worried if a kid’s multi even delivers what your child needs. Here’s how health-conscious parents determine if their child needs Hiya children’s multivitamins and why they’re perfect for you! With 0 grams of sugar and naturally sweetened with monk fruit, Hiya is a high-quality made with organic fruits and veggies to help your child get the nutrition they need.

Is your child a fussy eater?

If getting your child to eat their broccoli, carrots, or spinach has turned into a daily struggle, a high-quality multivitamin is a great option. Fussy eaters can sometimes be missing enough of their essential vitamins and minerals. When they turn away the healthy foods they need, letting them choose a high-quality multivitamin is a helpful way to ensure they get some of what they need to grow up big and strong.

Is your child eating too much junk?

Whether it’s candy, fast food, sugary snacks, or carbonated drinks, we know kids love to get their hands on something sweet. But did you know that these junk foods can actually be leeching essential vitamins and nutrients out of your child’s system? To prevent this, a multivitamin is perfect. We love Hiya children’s multivitamins because they’ve got the sweet taste kids love, but it’s sweetened with monk fruit instead of artificial sweeteners. This way they don’t get that nasty sugar rush!

There’s no question that Hiya children’s multivitamins deliver the quality nutrition that’s great for kids

Does your child have dietary restrictions?

More parents than ever are raising their children in a vegan, vegetarian, or another specialized diet household. If your child is adhering to a diet or they have food sensitivities or allergies, a multivitamin could be just what you’re looking for to help them address any deficiencies they might have because of their diet. This way they can maintain the lifestyle choices in your household without worry or doubt about whether they’re getting proper nutrition or not.

Does your child have a medical condition that affects their nutrient intake?

If your little bundle of joy has a condition that affects how their body absorbs nutrients or increases the need to up their nutrient intake, a multivitamin supplement can be a powerful solution. Kids who suffer anything like celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or are lactose intolerant can be at risk for not getting enough. For these cases, a high-quality children’s multivitamin is an option that can help improve their vitamin and mineral intake. You’ll want to consult a pediatrician to figure out what’s right for your child. It’s why we only give our kids Hiya children’s multivitamins. It’s formulated by pediatricians for kids and made with 12 organic fruits and veggies, then supercharged with 15 essential vitamins and minerals. 

Is your child not eating enough whole foods?

According to WebMD, whole fruits and vegetables like kiwis, strawberries, and broccoli are among the many healthy whole foods that children should be eating regularly to get their necessary amounts of Vitamin, A, B, D, and more. If they’re not getting enough of these in their diet, a high-quality multivitamin supplement is perfect to help deliver some of those essential nutrients and minerals. 

Getting a high-quality multivitamin can be just what your child needs to improve their nutrition. Our personal favorite is Hiya because we know it’s made with high-quality ingredients and offers the vitamins and minerals a growing child needs. 

Anita Quinn

Anita Quinn (31) is a Staff Writer for The Daily Post focusing on Beauty, Fashion, and Health. Her extensive traveling for various environmental and wildlife conservation groups has taken her to 24 countries and 37 U.S. states. The three things she packs for every trip are: a good mystery novel, a moisturizer with a high SPF, and her mother's old camera.

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