Saturday, May 4, 2024
Saturday, May 4, 2024

5 Ways to Build Confidence in Your Child

“Mommy, I can’t. You do it!” 

I looked at my 4-year-old girl, handing one shoe to me, while the other was on her foot, and it broke my heart..  

Usually, when I hear those words, my instinct to help kicks in without even thinking, but recently she’s been asking for help with everything, even before trying to do anything on her own!  

It’s not a matter of what she can and can’t do, it’s the confidence she has in herself that is lacking.

We all want our kids to have high self-esteem, be full of confidence, and be proud of themselves. 

Even as adults, we understand the importance of self-confidence – it helps you achieve your goals. It allows you to cope with challenges and mistakes and be more open to your surroundings.

When you are confident, every task - big or small, seems doable

For kids, having those qualities can greatly impact various aspects of their lives – at school, with friends, and most importantly at home. 


I immediately searched the internet for answers, and I found different ways, recommended by child development researchers, to increase self-confidence in your child.  

Here are the top 5 ways to increase confidence in children I chose to adopt:

1 Increase their independence

 Encourage your child to take care of themselves. Getting dressed, brushing their teeth, or arranging their backpack will foster their self-reliance and give them the feeling that they have control over their lives.

One idea that stood out was to sit with your child and prepare a list of things they can do on their own!

Perhaps you would like to add to the list of stuff your child can do “pick up and organize toys”.

2 Let them be involved when they can

We do many things that deprive our children, sometimes because of their age, but sometimes because of their height! I found this brilliant Kitchen stool for kids by Curious Kid to help remove those height limitations from places around the house, like the kitchen.  Surprisingly, it arrived in no time and was a perfect fit for my kitchen counter. We’ve already used it to cook together, clean dishes, and make some shakes. My child and I enjoy our quality time, and I can tell that the above-counter activities make her feel more connected and valuable!
Curious Kid kitchen stool. Its step can be adjusted to 3 different height levels

3 Support their learning process


Show and explain to them how to do it first, then let them try it for themselves before you jump in. It’s important to be encouraging and non-judgmental.

They will potentially fail but encourage them to try again. It’s part of the learning process!

4 Let kids help and give

We are used to doing things for our kids, but we forget that kids can also do a lot for us!

Participating in household chores makes kids feel like an essential part of the family. Why not let them water the plants, wash the dishes, or dust off the books?

A little helper in action
My daughter loves doing chores with the Curious Kid stool because she feels a sense of independence!! (She keeps showing me how easy it is to climb in and out, it’s hilarious!)

5 Expose them to new things

A Wise man once said – you have the right way and the easy way (it was Dumbledore BTW), letting your child practice what he/she already knows is the easy path, but kids need new experiences to develop different skill sets.

Making the kitchen accessible opens the door to new possibilities, allowing children to develop a new set of skills that will last them a lifetime.

With a new set of skills, maybe finally someone in this family can read a map

And remember, kids can sense everything, so whatever method you choose to embrace, make sure your communication is supporting and loving. No judgment when they fail and be sure to praise them for trying new things. 

Focus on the process and their effort and not on the results!

 P.S. if you want to check out this cool kids kitchen stool, click here 

 About the author